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Adultes et sophrologie


Sophrology is aimed at all people who wish to relieve a specific problem and / or move towards a state of well-being. Thanks to its simple and easy-to-reproduce exercises, sophrology adapts to the needs and constraints of each individual. It is a set of great tools for discovering your own resources, developing and improving your quality of daily life. The effectiveness of sophrology techniques can be seen in fields of application as varied as the management of stress and emotions, mental preparation for events (childbirth, examination, competition, etc.), support for medical treatments. , management of phobias, addictions or pain, improvement of concentration .... 

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From 5 years old

"I'm not feeling well, I don't like school, I'm not coming  to concentrate, I can't  sleep, I can't do it ... ".  From an early age, the child perceives his feelings pleasant or unpleasant. Children are receptive, curious, spontaneous and often use their bodies to communicate their desires and feelings. Sophrology promotes their development, helps them to communicate with respect for themselves and others, refines their  perceptions and body knowledge, increases  their self-confidence  and stimulates  their imagination and creativity.

The sessions are suitable for children and take place in the most fun way possible so that they have  want to do the exercises. Great care should always be taken to explain to children and parents what is being offered.

Enfants et sophrologie

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Adolescents et sophrologie


Colleges, High schools

The onset of puberty is associated with significant bodily and psychological changes. In some adolescents it can cause anxiety, an illness that is sometimes difficult to live with on a daily basis causing  many questions.

Even more than an adult, the adolescent needs moments of mental and physical relaxation. Sophrology brings a balance that allows them to face events that are not always easy to master: preparing for exams or competitions; to move from childhood to adolescent, and from adolescent to adult; being confident in one's self ; become aware of its possibilities ...

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The entry into this new life, called "senior",  is always done more or less easily depending on its form, its surroundings, its projects, its  activities, etc ...  Yes  in your life, you have not yet had the opportunity to learn to ask yourself,  stop to take stock, to relax, to take time for yourself, to release your tensions, to practice  sophrology  may be a very suitable answer. It brings immediate well-being to those who practice it. Easy to set up, gentle and based on listening, it allows seniors to recharge their batteries in a calm and benevolent environment.

A weekly meeting gives a non-binding and often expected rhythm. 


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Seniors et sophrologie
Maisons de retraites
Maisons de retraite et sophrologie

Retirement homes

Sophrology is a gentle and adaptable method, complementary to medical care. She  allows seniors to  reinvest their body,  gradually regain autonomy,  to preserve their vitality, to regain confidence, to  decrease their anxiety and make sense of the present tense.

The sessions are offered on a weekly basis and are practiced in small groups in a room within the establishment.  Staff can also benefit from group sessions in the form of thematic modules (stress management, emotions, etc.).


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Clubs sportifs

Sports clubs

Adults or children, many athletes call on a sophrologist to help them mentally prepare for competitions. Sophrology helps improve performance by working on motivation and concentration,  prepare a  test by making the event positive and  speed up  mental recovery process after it.

Preparation for a sporting event  is done through regular and progressive sessions, like training ... It can be done individually or in a group within the club.

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Clubs sportifs et sophrologie
Structures médicales
Structures médicales et sophrologie

Medical structures

Preparation for birth or  to an intervention,  accompaniment of sick people  (oncology, fibromyalgia ...)  or disabled, the medical profession advises patients more and more frequently.  The sophrologist accompanies the person in his medical journey by not interfering in any case with an ongoing treatment.  His intervention complements care for better care.  

The proposed exercises are  adaptable  and customizable to each. The intervention of the sophrologist  in a hospital environment is carried out at the request of the establishment, patients or their families, with the agreement of the head of the department where the person concerned stays. 

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Schools, Colleges, High schools

Promote learning within a classroom, it is possible!  Presented in an adapted form, sophrology brings students to recharge their batteries,  to develop their attention, to facilitate memorization,  to better channel their energy,  learn to manage their emotions and  strengthen their confidence and autonomy.  

The sessions are offered on a weekly basis and are practiced in small groups in a room within the establishment equipped with chairs and groundsheets. .  The teaching staff  can also benefit from group sessions in the form of thematic modules (stress management, emotions, etc.).

Ecoles, collèges, lycées

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Ecoles étudiants et sophrologie
Entreprises / Associations
Entreprises et sophrologie

Companies / Associations

As part of the prevention of psychosocial risks, sophrology provides a simple, effective and rapid response. Open to the entire company or targeted at a specific population, the sessions offer a progressive educational approach that aims to make participants autonomous in the management of their  emotions while promoting their  personal development. They are built around a theme chosen by the company such as  manage stress, acquire rapid relaxation or recovery techniques, strengthen coping skills or  stimulate  individual capacities (concentration, will, creativity, communication, etc.).

The sessions are offered on a weekly basis and are practiced by small  group in a room within the company.

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Centres culturels et artistiques

Cultural and Artistic Centers

Manage your stage fright before a show or  an audition,  develop creativity, increase memorization skills, improve self-confidence or simply relax ... promotes the talent of  artists and creatives.  Sophrology offers an appropriate response that will be  appreciated by your members.

The sessions are offered on a weekly basis and are practiced in groups  in a room within your  establishment.


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Centres culturels et sophrologie
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